Mili's Corner

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A Quick Update From Me

If you follow my blogs and/ or vlogs regularly, you would have noticed that I had momentarily disappeared from both platforms. I’m writing this blog as I feel the need to explain this absence and be brutally honest. For the longest time, I’ve wanted to build a following on the multiple platforms that I’m active on, namely Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and of course, this blog. The reason I want to build this following is because I genuinely love sharing stories from my travels and learning from others. And disappearing without a trace, isn’t useful in aiding this.

So, the reason for my disappearance, well there are multiple reasons actually. As such, as a rule of thumb, I don’t post videos or blogs whilst I’m on the road and sometimes I take the Christmas and New Years’ period off because everything deserves a break. In December, I visited Fiji and brace yourselves there will be blogs and videos that will follow.

But more importantly, since October we’ve been having renovations at our home. Whilst most of my videos were pre-filmed, I did get to a point where I needed to film another video. Being a stickler for organisation and for following the video release schedule that I had made I just couldn’t digress from my path. I like to upload videos per destination, once all the videos from that destination has been uploaded I move on to the next. I know what you might be thinking, why not just upload other videos any way. Well, I did do that and uploaded a couple of videos out of order as it resonated with timing such as the Fireworks over the Niagara Falls was released the weekend of Guy Fawkes.  But for me it’s all about story telling, releasing videos out of order felt like I was breaking the story of the destination. Hence, I felt that until I could film what was meant to be the next video in the schedule I’d rather just take a break.

To celebrate Canada's 150 years, there was a fantastic fireworks display put on, on select nights at the Niagara Falls. For any questions or enquiries: Social Media and Blog: - Blog: - Facebook: - Twitter: - Instagram: - Tumblr:

Following this, a rather heartbreaking incident took place. Amongst all of the renovations and the constant rummaging of items from one place to the other, I misplaced my GoPro and along with it the memory card that was in it. I had filmed a few other things along the way that I had added to the schedule and now I’m not sure what fate awaits the release of those videos. Whilst I know that the camera is somewhere at home as all the members of the family had seen it at home, I have to be prepared for the fact that it may not surface again. Regardless, I will rewrite my video schedule to include all the videos including ones from the lost memory card and play the release by ear.  If not, it just means I have to revisit those places. Thankfully they are all in Auckland!

So, in saying that, I appreciate your patience and I will be back to shooting, recording, editing and releasing videos shortly. One thing I will request is that, if any of my blogs or vlogs ever tug your heartstrings, please feel free to share them. My video recording and editing skills may not be the best, but there have been a few videos over the years, that I’ve really enjoyed putting together. The only way I can build a following is by having you share my videos, blogs maybe even photos.

I’m always open to collaborating whether it’s on video or on my blog. As you know, I currently run the Guest Blog Post Series and it’s good to get insight into travelling to different destinations.

Let’s connect.

Until next time,
