Where Will 2020 Take Me?

I don’t usually plan my international holiday at the start of the year. I like to think about it, and see what my options are, and in which direction my feet want to travel. In 2019, I ended up going to South America (in case you didn’t know) and exploring Brazil and Argentina and my oh my what a trip it was. I’m not going to lie, it was relatively expensive, and I don’t recommend doing such expensive trips each year.

I turn 30 this year. For the last year or so, I was obsessed with this idea of doing 30 countries under 30. Per my current stats, I have done 20 countries, which meant going to 10 countries in one year. Doable? Possibly. Thus began my extensive planning of a European getaway. Let’s be honest, Europe is one continent, where you could be in a country and walk 10metres and be in another country (dramatic I know). But realistically a European getaway is very expensive not just financially but also time wise.

I live in New Zealand and getting myself to Europe is easily a day and a half in travel. Given the amount of money I’d be spending to get there, I would like to stay for at least 4-5 weeks and explore. That is what is not realistic. Whilst yes, we get 4-weeks of annual leave, there’s no way I’d spend its entirety on one expensive trip. Slowly and steadily (and painfully might I add), the idea of getting to 30 countries under 30 started fading away.

In recent years, one of my favourite destinations to go to has been USA. I went there for the first time in 2013, and then went back frequently exploring different parts in 2016 and 2017. Suddenly, the thought popped in my mind, that I wouldn’t mind going back to the States. Now, I didn’t get a big 21st, and there was no way I was not going to do something nice for my 30th. That’s when I knew exactly what I want to do for my travels this year. I want to go to LA and make my way to Anaheim and spend two days at Disneyland, because who doesn’t want to go to the happiest place on earth on their birthday?

I absolutely love the vibe at Disneyland, and just for a moment, you forget about all of your worries and just enjoy being there and running up and taking photos with your childhood heroes. Another thought popped in my mind, that if I am going to the States, there is one other place I want to experience all over again, and that is New York City.

So, there you have it, this is what I’d like to do for my travels this year. Whether that happens or not is yet to be seen.

Where is your compass pointing this year?

Until next time,
